Sunday, May 5, 2019

Project 05: Memento & Project 06: Wall Piece

The Forgotten Halls and The Empty

I chose to include these two together, since both have fairly similar design origins (memories). 

The first, the black monster oozing between two small pieces of wood, serves as the memento. Crafted using clay, wood and black spray paint, the piece highlights the terrifying memory in my childhood when I would see ghastly visages appear down my hallway, forever approaching, but never reaching their destination. Though the figures had no physical attributes and were wispy, humanoid forms, I chose this more abstract representation to create a physically disturbing looking and feeling piece, to capture my fear and discomfort.

The second is a memory of a room in my grandfather's house. Hand-made, lived-in for many years, but now abandoned, it was necessary to craft it using bare wood, with hints of color reflect the life that once filled the space. It loosely mimics that lonely room and serves as a constant reminder of what was and what will never be again.

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